So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. (Psalm 90:12)

The previous verses in this Psalm tell us that we will normally live to 70 or 80 years of age. I am 75 years of age and am painfully aware of it because my body keeps reminding me.

So, what does numbering our days mean, and why do we need to be taught? 

There is a tendency for people to carry on living their lives as if they will live forever but we must learn to understand that life is temporal, death is certain, and judgement is forthcoming. 

In life we make plans for all the uncertainties but we often forget to plan for the one absolute: we are only here temporarily. 

When we have an eternal perspective, we look at life through a different lens; when we learn to number our days, we apply our hearts to wisdom because we see things more like God sees them.

This isn’t morbid but rather a reality check. 

When we learn to number our days, we gain a true perspective on what is valuable and what isn’t, what is important and what isn’t. In gaining this wisdom, we are able to look back without regret because we have fulfilled God’s plan for our lives.

I pray that, when you number your days, they are many and you use them wisely.


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