Reaching the unreached in Mexico

CV Mexico Community Representative, Otoniel Mendoza, recently had the opportunity to train pastors and leaders from different churches within the Mexican state of San Luis Potosí.

During the workshop, where many pastors and Christian leaders attended, Otoniel was able to challenge participants to utilise digital tools provided by CV in order to reach non-believers. 

The participants gained a clear understanding of the importance of leveraging social media to expand their reach and share the gospel. They realised that they had been given the tools to do this and that it was up to them to take the first steps in this unfamiliar, but fruitful direction. 

“We need to reach more people,” Pastor Daniel Huegel from San Luis Potosí said. “Our ministry has no presence on social media. Now, with these tools, we’ll train or recruit someone who will be dedicated solely to answering those who are seeking answers online. Our ministry was eager to receive this training.”

Church leader, Orlando Valdez García, shared that he was vulnerable walking into the workshop, and felt confronted by the training. 

“Sharing Christ in this digital era is difficult for me, but the fact that it is difficult doesn’t mean I shouldn’t do it.” 

San Luis Potosí, where this workshop took place, is part of the Triangle of Silence. This area represents the states of Jalisco, Guanajuato, Michoacán, Zacatecas, Querétaro, Aguascalientes, and Nayarit. 

This entire area encompasses 115 municipalities with 1% or less Christians. It is the least reached area of ​​Mexico due to its roots in Catholicism, Mysticism, and radical/violent rejection towards missionaries, and the Christian churches that have tried to enter these regions.

This would explain the vulnerability that some participants felt during the workshop. Ultimately, the church leaders and pastors gained valuable knowledge and expressed a strong desire to incorporate the lessons they learned into their respective ministries. 

Pray with us, that these lessons will be sowed into their congregations and communities, and that God would work through them to reach more people in the San Luis Potosí area. 


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