Evangelism in prison

yesHEis, an initiative of CV, received an impactful testimony from a teenage boy who had a fierce desire to share the gospel message with those who needed to hear it the most.

On his 16th birthday, the young man from the Asia region chose to visit a prison, so he could start conversations of faith and pray for the inmates.

When asked why he decided to spend his 16th birthday at the prison, he shared that he didn’t want the prisoners to feel like outcasts or forgotten individuals. He believed that Jesus was the only one who could provide true freedom from pain, suffering, and sin. 

So, in the prison, he boldly spoke about the hope that can be found in Jesus and the pure love and freedom that can be received through God’s forgiveness.

His evangelistic endeavours did not end once his birthday did. He and his friends returned to the prison and followed up with the inmates. They brought the prisoners gifts and continued to connect with them — constantly sharing the hope found in Jesus. 

Testimonies like this remind us of the impact we can have on others when we step out of our comfort zone and lean on the Holy Spirit to guide us. 


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