Pioneers in South Sudan

South Sudan remains in a continual limbo between war and peace since the country split from Sudan in July 2011.

Human Rights Watch reported that there are more than 9 million people, including 4.9 million children and over 300,000 refugees, who need humanitarian assistance in South Sudan. During this time of crisis, people are in desperate need of love, mercy, and reconciliation.

With this in mind, CV’s National Pioneers Initiative (NPI) has been preparing the ‘soil’ and planting seeds for the gospel in this country since 2022. It all started with the support of 12 pioneers in the Eastern Equatoria region, a number that grew by 25 per cent within just six months. 

As the pioneer’s efforts grew, teams expanded into the northern areas of the country, particularly places like Malakal, which have been deeply affected by the civil war. 

Malakal stands as a symbol of resilience as this hotly contested area ravaged by conflict has become a refuge for many fleeing violence in Khartoum. Recognising the strategic importance of these regions, our CV pioneers have diligently worked to bring the gospel to those in need.

Earlier this year, one of CV’s NPI Coordinators visited South Sudan to witness first-hand the impact of the pioneers in these areas. Despite facing many challenges along the journey, the trip proved how the dedication, resilience, and faithful hearts of these pioneers have made great progress. 

They have been instrumental in reaching unreached tribes with the gospel, sharing bible stories, distributing audio bibles, and screening evangelistic films for those who cannot read. 

The pioneers have also been actively involved in bringing reconciliation in areas torn apart by tribal conflicts. They have nurtured the faith of those who need encouragement and have contributed to a future in Malakal guided by God’s purposes.

To learn more about the NPI click here.


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