Digital Impact in the Americas

Christian Vision (CV) has recently demonstrated its dedication to resourcing the Church with free digital content and knowledge by hosting workshops across Ecuador and El Salvador on digital evangelism.

In Guayaquil, the ‘It Is Your Time Ecuador’ event, hosted by Jaime Loya Ministries, served as a platform for one of CV’s key initiatives, CVCLAVOZ. Led by Fabio Criales, this initiative showcased the power of digital tools in church outreach. The workshop emphasised the importance of online services and digital gatherings, highlighting their ability to bridge distances and foster global connections among believers. 

The event in Ecuador exemplified CV’s vision of equipping churches with cutting-edge digital tools. Engagement with local media further expanded the potential for outreach, with CVCLAVOZGO’s video series serving as a prime example of effective digital content for Christian media.

CVCLAVOZ Partnerships Specialist, Edrey Sarracen, stated, “I see a new awakening among churches and Christian media in embracing technology, highlighting a growing eagerness to learn and adapt among pastors and leaders.” 

Furthering their impact, CVCLAVOZ participated in the Coicom congress in San Salvador, a significant gathering of communicators, pastors, and Christian media workers from across South America and beyond. Noteworthy team members, including Fabio Criales, Roberto Perez (Russo), and Edrey Sarracen, led workshops and formed partnerships, enhancing CVCLAVOZ’s presence and influence in the region.

Coicom, the Ibero-American confederation, organises annual congresses offering training and coaching to Christian producers and media workers. This year’s congress stood out with the notable presence of El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele. 

The success achieved in Ecuador and El Salvador attests to CV’s broader mission of resourcing churches across the Americas with the digital knowledge necessary for effective ministry in today’s world.

Through initiatives like CVCLAVOZ, spanning the Americas and beyond, CV continues to expand its reach, arming churches and Christians with the tools required to effectively share the message of Jesus Christ.

To learn more about CV’s work in resourcing churches with digital tools and content, and to join us in this mission, visit our ‘Resource the Church’ page on our website.


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