CVCLAVOZ’s Expolit Workshops: Empowering Churches with Digital Content

Expolit is an annual event that attracts attendees from around the globe, offering opportunities to learn from opinion leaders about world-class trends, spiritual renewal, the latest content, and more. 

The event fosters forward-thinking conversations about spiritual rejuvenation, and facilitates the formation of business opportunities with entrepreneurs and other professionals. It also promotes the development of lifelong connections.

Expolit appeals to a global audience that feels called to promote God’s Kingdom through their passion for literature, music, and business.

CVCLAVOZ was honoured with an invitation to present their successful workshops at the April Expolit event held in the Dominican Republic in Santo Domingo. 

The workshops focused on creating high-quality Christian content to benefit the Church. These workshops have demonstrated their ability to mobilise churches and resource them with enhanced digital content.

CV Project Manager, Fabio Criales, said churches should harness the potential of the digital space to build community connections.

In his presentation, ‘The Role of the Church in the Digital Era’, he emphasised that while technology can never replace the warmth of in-person fellowship, it is crucial for churches to reach out to those in need of help online. 

He further explained that a healthy church should not only focus on physical attendance, but also consider their online presence.

“The statistics have to be measured not only by numbers, but also by evaluating the relational and spiritual health of the church’s congregation in presence and online.”

In the audience were many young people on fire for Christ, along with pastors, bloggers, radio show hosts, journalists, and singers. The audience had people from Costa Rica, Peru, Guatemala, Mexico, and from all around Latin America. Many of them travelled to the Expolit event so that they could learn from CVCLAVOZ’s workshops.

The writers and content creators were highly satisfied with the valuable insights they gained from CVCLAVOZ’s workshops, expressing their eagerness to apply the newly-acquired knowledge towards crafting exceptional videos and devising more effective strategies for showcasing their content online.


Our content can support your church or organisation with more effective evangelism and discipleship strategies.