A Hindu Woman Finds Peace in Christ: Southeast Asia

Indah* is a Hindu lady currently facing a lot of issues in life. She just wants what we all want: peace. Indah contacted our team after watching the video titled, Yesus Mengasihimu (Jesus Loves You) from our ‘Friend of God ‘ platform.

She started a conversation with one of our responders who then introduced her to Jesus. Our responder told Indah how she would normally handle stress and many of her issues by simply following the instructions in 1 Peter 5:7 to ‘Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. ‘

Our responder told Indah about the peace of praying to Jesus, and how even mentioning His name would lead to peace and tranquility, which Indah eventually did. Lastly, our responder told Indah that Jesus is in her heart wherever she may go if she’s willing to be serious in getting to know Him more, regardless of what religion she may be.

Indah mentioned at the end that she definitely felt more at ease and at peace even though she currently isn’t ready yet to meet offline.

Please pray for the Holy Spirit to touch Indah’s life and bring her to know the Truth.


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