God is Meeting Needs : Uganda

During the month of June, we received a prayer request from a pastor in Kigumba, a town in the Kiryadongo district of Uganda in East Africa. This pastor asked us to pray for his church and the building they ‘ve been meeting in, as it needed a roof. We initiated a conversation with the pastor, and prayed for the request on air and as part of our weekly team devotions. Twelve days later, we received a message that God had provided the church’s need! The pastor was overjoyed about the way that God had intervened.

Please pray for the church in Uganda, especially in rural areas where lack of resource often poses a practical challenge to congregations as they labour to share the Gospel and impact their communities. Pray for the wider region as well, that God would enable us to have a much bigger impact on East Africa.

Pray for our response team also as they respond to a variety of prayer requests and comments from both believers and non-believers of all walks of life. The team often deals with personal or sensitive matters that require discernment and Godly wisdom. Pray that they will be lead by the Holy Spirit, and that they will consistently point people to Jesus.


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