10,000 Active yesHEis Users : Philippines


Jesse is a member of our partner church, Christ Commission Fellowship (CCF), and was able to win a yesHEis t-shirt during a recent event. He wears the t-shirt often to remind himself that Jesus is His Lord and Saviour. He also uses the t-shirt to share the Gospel with people who ask him what yesHEis means. Jesse now ministers to his friends and was recently baptised. Please pray that Jesse’s journey with the Lord will continue to grow stronger and stronger as the days go by!

For the month of July, we reached a total of 10,000 active users of yesHEis in the Philippines. This is the highest so far and we are encouraged to continue the growth in the coming months!

Please pray for CV’s partnership with CCF as we work together to ensure that the best strategies will be executed to empower the CCF Community to be active Gospel sharers. Pray also for Phodi’s leadership of CV Philippines as he brings the team together, and for good synergy with the CCF leaders.


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