Tradition and Technology

Glowing blue digital representation of Africa, featuring interconnected lines and nodes against a dark background.

Evangelism is at the heart of CV. One of the ways we amplify evangelism is by combining traditional methods with innovative technology. 

A compelling example comes from one of CV’s pioneers in the National Pioneers Initiative (NPI), working among the Soninke community in Western Africa. 

In Soninke's early history, the people traded in salt and gold, particularly with the Arabian merchants. 

Through these commercial transactions, the traders were introduced to the Islamic religion and soon after, in the 11th century, the Soninke people converted to Islam. They have primarily been a Muslim community ever since, and most have never heard of the one true God. 

Knowing this, the CV pioneer wanted to share the gospel with these people in a culturally relevant way. He knew technology would help him achieve a far greater result than traditional methods alone. 

So, the pioneer shared the gospel not just through customary storytelling, but by using audio scriptures made available in a language the Soninke could understand. 

The pioneer also shared ‘WhatsApp’ with them so they could connect with Christians online as well as face-to-face. 

During one particular community outreach activity, the pioneer encountered a man named Wali*, who was unable to work due to severe back pain. Wali made the decision to accept Jesus and was completely healed after the pioneer prayed for him.

Delighted to see their son no longer suffering, Wali’s parents have also started their own journey of discovering Jesus.


*name has been changed.