NPI Digital Tools

The National Pioneers Initiative (NPI) continues to grow and evolve wth digital technology allowing us, and our partners, to engage with and reach growing numbers of people.

Impacted by our NPI partnership is a former Islamist terrorist who uses mobile digital tools to share the message of Jesus with his network of more than 3000 students. A medium of communication familiar to every young person, he marvels that his students can now use their mobile devices to also receive our messages of Truth.

Another NPI partner who is part of our digital tools team that provides content for evangelising and discipling new believers is Pastor Ecko. His engagement with digital tools has inspired other pastors who have witnessed Ecko’s evolution from an inward-looking-pastor concerned primarily with his own flock, to a missionary who seeks connection with all those that are lost.

Gentlemen, we thank you for your adoption of digital technology and for your service.

Image Design: Pressfoto / Freepik


Our content can support your church or organisation with more effective evangelism and discipleship strategies.