Healed of Cancer : Impact Sumatra

healed of cancer testimony

“Before I came to Christ, I experienced something amazing.

My mother had a cancerous lump on her breast the size of a ping pong ball. After praying to Jesus, that same lump shrunk to the size of a marble! It was a miracle, and seeing such a thing firsthand convinced me that Jesus is the true God.

I accepted Jesus as my Saviour and eventually got baptised. My life has not been the same since! It is transformed! I used to strongly follow my old religious rituals, but there was still so much struggle within. The peace I ‘m experiencing now is something I have never felt before, especially when I pray to God and get close to Him. God is my Father and there is no doubt about that!

Please pray for the rest of my family so that they might accept Christ as well.” – New Believer, Erwin*


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