After analysing the many conversations being had through the yesHEis app, the team in Brazil at CV Americas recently seized the opportunity to add even more value to the experience.

To help users develop a closer relationship with God and successfully journey toward living their life on mission, the team focussed on connection through worship: 

Worship is the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration towards God. It is defined by the priority we place on who God is in our lives and where God is on our list of priorities. There are lots of ways you can tell God how awesome he is. You can worship by prayer, song, or by meditating over what he says in the Bible.

Music can be a powerful expression of reverence and adoration for God. It is devoid of religious barriers and gospel labels, and can be shared with non-Christian friends and family to unite people in the love of Christ. 

So the idea of ​​creating a Spotify playlist was born. Three playlists were created, each with a specific purpose:

Playlist 1 Life on Mission – songs to promote reflection on how to live life on mission and speak from a place of love and respect to demonstrate attitudes of God’s love. 

Playlist 2 #queropaz” (#Iwantpeace) – songs that invite people to have a private conversation with God, offering support and motivation to stay well in these times of pandemic and political instability.

Playlist 3 Brasil de boa” (Brazil, all good): sung in Portuguese, these tracks help Christians form their identity in Christ. This playlist features tracks sung by national artists inspired by the Christian message.

We are grateful for the opportunities that music creates and we thank God for its inviting properties. We hope these playlists inspire connection and unite people in Christ’s vision and love.


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