Innovation: Impacter Madagascar

Our National Pioneers Initiative (NPI) in Madagascar has broken new ground this month. A new intake of local pioneers has been initiated into the program, and this will ultimately double the number of NPI pioneers spreading the message of Jesus in Madagascar!

Our Director and Missions Coordinator recently travelled to the south-eastern town of Farafangana to get the expansion project off the ground. This new phase is particularly important to our mission as it will see the NPI move to a completely new territory – the eastern region of the island.

Since its inception, the NPI in Madagascar has grown significantly and seen thousands of people reached through on-the-ground evangelism. More than 96,000 people have made the decision to follow Jesus, and over 300 fellowship locations have been planted by our pioneers across the south-west region. With this new chapter, the NPI is positioned to cover the entire south of the island! The new pioneers joining the team are very excited to get underway and are passionate about taking the Gospel to new territories.

We are very excited about increasing our activity on the island and seeing people come to the knowledge of Jesus in even greater numbers and intensity.

Please continue to pray for the NPI project in Madagascar, that it continues to reach the lost with the Gospel. 🙏

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