Our story begins with a woman named Pemela* who, although baptised, had strayed from the church.
After recently watching some of our gospel videos on Facebook, Pemela opened communications with us; she was looking to reconnect with a church. So we found the closest NPI pioneer around Pemela’s location and made the introduction.
Soon after, we learned that Pemela was regularly attending services and that Win*, Pemela’s husband, while never in attendance, was happily transporting her to church every Sunday.
One Sunday, Pemela introduced Win to one of the pioneers who began to share the biblical story of Onesimus. Win, who had not shown any interest in the gospel until now, began to ask questions which concluded with the pioneer giving him a gospel tract to read.
Win began accompanying Pemela to church. He said his reasons for returning each Sunday were that he felt welcomed, cared for, loved and valued every time he visited. He said church felt like home to him.
After a long and deep inquiry into Jesus, Win decided to follow the Lord and received a water baptism.
We pray that Win may continue to grow in the knowledge of God’s love.