Faith and Digital Fluency

At Christian Vision (CV), we use an array of methods to equip the Church with free content, resources, and training.

These methods include the use of digital tools, innovation, and comprehensive research. We share the insights uncovered from this research with Christian leaders and ministry partners to empower them to effectively grow God’s kingdom.

CV Brazil has had many opportunities this year to share this expertise at events, workshops, and conferences. The most recent event ‘Consciência Cristã’ (Christian Conscience), drew more than 10,000 participants and focused on evangelism.

The team shared insights on how the Church can understand and reach the younger generation, presenting research from Barna’s ‘The Open Generation’ report.

The Memorial Baptist Church in São Paulo opened their doors for CV to connect with more than 250 church leaders and pastors. CV Brazil presented practical steps for leaders to effectively begin innovating in the online space for ministry.

CV also had the honour of speaking at ‘Vocare’ where more than 600 passionate young people learned about faith and digital fluency. This event was a huge success, with attendees planning to use their newly gained knowledge to support their church through social media.

By offering tools and resources directly to those at the forefront of ministry, CV aims to empower them to engage with their local communities, ensuring the gospel is shared and is accessible in every nation.


Our content can support your church or organisation with more effective evangelism and discipleship strategies.