The Birth of CV - 1988

Four professionals standing together outdoors, smiling, in front of a building, dressed in smart business attire.

How it all started...

The Birth of CV

The Birth of CV

In December of 1988 CV, or Christian Vision, was founded by British businessman Robert Edmiston. It was the fulfilment of his dream to establish a Christian charity, living in accordance with Luke 12:48 “For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required”. The first few months would include critical conversations around the heart of the organisation: Evangelism. The desire? To have maximum impact for money spent, taking CV to the poorest nations around the world. At the forefront would be an application of business thinking, practices, and logic. Innovation and exploration would have CV pushing boundaries and discovering new ways to reach people through the power of digital evangelism while supporting pioneers (locals already doing evangelistic work in their respective nations) and endeavours on the ground.

“For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required”

-Luke 12:48, NIV

CV started by making strategic connections and testing a variety of projects with Christians already doing evangelistic work around the world. The first was in Poland where CV funded 50 young people to plant a church. From there, CV supported endeavours in the Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, Kenya, Tanzania, Estonia, Hong Kong (with the Vietnamese Boat People), India, Israel, Brazil and many more.


The beginning years of CV were full of lessons learned, but what was established more than anything else was that evangelism would always remain at the core of the organisation and what CV was called to do.