A guide: creating and sharing testimony videos

Close-up of a camera monitor displaying a smiling man in a studio setting, showcasing focus and lighting techniques.
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A powerful tool for evangelism 

As was evident throughout Jesus' ministry, storytelling is a beautiful and captivating way to share the gospel. That same effective method for evangelism can be used today through the sharing of testimony videos. 

A recent survey found the average TikTok user spends 58 minutes a day consuming video content. This shows us people are already engaged with hearing stories and experiences online. So, why not seize the opportunity to reach people with beautiful, personal stories with the goal of spreading the gospel?

Stories are remembered up to 22 times more than facts alone.

-Dr. Jennifer Aaker, (Behavioural Scientist)

3 tips for filming testimony videos

1. Know your audience and communicate accordingly


  • Be mindful, non-Christians may not know the full context of words like “saviour” or “redemption”. Be sure to give context where needed.
  • Be aware, people may not consider the Bible with the same authority if referencing or quoting scriptures. 
  • Avoid Christian jargon. Instead, use words or phrases you would say if you were talking to your neighbour who’s never been to church. 


Instead of using...
Replace it with...
non-Christianspeople who don’t know Jesus
saved God rescued me from my old life
born again
gave my life
salvationbeing reunited with God
our relationship with God being restored
graceGod’s goodness to us, even when we don’t deserve it
sinoffense that separates us from God
holydedicated to God
saviourJesus who died for me so I am not separated from God
sanctificationthe process of becoming more like Jesus
the gospelthe story of who Jesus is and why He came
repentanceturning away from the bad and turning towards God
give your life making a choice to follow Jesus and His teachings in the Bible
give your heart
fellowshipbeing around other Christians

2. Don't be afraid of emotion


  • Testimonies can be emotional to share but also to hear, especially when people are vulnerable and sharing serious hardships they may have faced in their lives. This is a powerful way to connect with viewers. 
  • A good setup, quality lighting, and quality sound can captivate your audience by adding emotional and visual interest to the video. Here’s a training resource on how to create a good setup: 

3. Make it relatable


Help the person who is giving their testimony feel comfortable by interviewing them conversationally.
  • First, do some prep work. Ask them to write down their testimony or send it to you as a voice note a couple of days before shooting the video. This helps you form interview questions and direct the conversation. It also helps the person giving their testimony time to think about their story and get thoughts in order.
  • Avoid having them write and memorise a script (unless they’re professionals). This makes the testimony video more authentic.
  • Conduct the interview from the side of the camera so the interviewee is looking at another you rather than the camera. If you want to capture direct eye-contact to the camera (which can create an increased sense of intimacy between the viewer and person speaking) you can use something called an EyeDirect. It’s pricey, but can be worth the cost if budget allows. It is also possible to rent this device from specialist broadcast suppliers.
  • Break the ice! Start by asking simple questions like “What did you have for breakfast?”. Get them used to talking and speaking clearly. Then, slowly guide the conversation into their testimony. 

Learn how to create testimony videos and share them online 

If you'd like to take a deeper dive into putting some of these tips into action, consider taking this course.

Additional courses

Breakdown of copyright regulations
Create inspiring short videos
Harnessing the power of mobile video