One of our pioneers from the National Pioneers Initiative (NPI) in Madagascar recently set out to proclaim the gospel, open-air style.

Armed with her brand-new microphone and speaker, she drew in quite the crowd. Encouraged by the response, our pioneer then set out to evangelise door-to-door. In one of the many houses our pioneer and her team visited, there was a sickly man living with his mute daughter and several other family members.

After our pioneer had finished sharing the gospel with the family, she turned to the daughter, forgetting she was mute, and asked if she too would like to accept Jesus. In the clearest voice, the daughter replied, ‘yes please pastor’. Everyone in the room gasped. It turns out that Asha* had not spoken a word since birth and these words were the first they’d ever heard her speak!

A month later, Asha*, now communicating fluidly, asked to be baptised. With no baptismal font available, a feeding trough was located and used for the ceremony. Villagers were left stunned!

Asha* now a successor, works closely with our pioneer and travels around the village praising God and sharing her own story.

We thank God for using our pioneers so powerfully. 


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