Value and Purpose : Middle East

value of women

From September to November we have been talking about the theme ‘Value and Purpose’, helping people to know their real value in Jesus Christ and find a purpose reassured by this knowledge.

“Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!” (1 John 3:1)

In a series of videos, we asked people these questions:

Is your value something that you need to earn?

Are you valuable without the things you can earn or achieve?

Does your “being” have value in itself?

One of the main concepts in our theme was beauty and the value of women. As Arab culture gives men a higher social position and value than women, we wanted to empower women through the idea that every single person has inherent value that is rooted in the image of God; a doctrine expressed in the opening chapter of Genesis.

Our real value is that we are the children of God. We are loved no matter who we are, how we look, what we do, what we achieve and what we fail to achieve. Our value is unchangeable.

One of the women who saw our videos responded, saying that the videos represented her life story. She is the only child of her father, who wished to have a boy. He was always telling her that there are some things she will never be able to do because she is a girl.

Unfortunately her father died, but she was still thinking, “I wish he could see me now as I’m a manager in one of the biggest companies in Egypt and all my team are men. I’m a manager for the men.” She now has two daughters, whom she’s raising to be very good at academics, sports, arts and music. Someone met her two years ago and told her that the real value of her daughters is not in what they are good at, but in who they are as girls. She didn’t understand this idea until she watched our video. She now sees what this means for her story and also for what she wants for her daughters and how she should value them.

Please pray for all of those who have seen the Value and Purpose videos, that they would know the love of their Heavenly Father and have a personal understanding that their identity and value is in God alone.


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