Turning Back to God : Australia

The Australian team is excited to report that we have been able to lead 13 people to Christ this month and connect six of those to local churches, with more connections in progress.

We ‘ve noticed that the trend in many of our conversations has been people who have walked away from God and want to turn their lives around and come back. It’s so exciting to see people getting the revelation that Jesus is the only answer for them.

We are always in awe of the personal stories of each individual. Every person has their own story and experience, and to be part of the journey to see that change unfold is such a privilege.

The life of one young man is changed because of a simple question: “What are you going through, are you ok?” Brad* said that he had anxiety and he was Christian. We were able to explain about accepting Jesus into our lives, which he had not heard about. Through live chat, we walked him through a prayer of salvation and have now connected him with a church.

Please pray that our response team would be strengthened in faith and a reliance on the Holy Spirit, that we could continue to share the Gospel effectively.


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