Seeking Jesus : Africa

At CV we are continually amazed and encouraged at how God brings people to us who are genuinely seeking a relationship with Him. Our interactions with these people are the reason we love doing what we do. Below are just a few snippets of what some people have contacted us about over the Christmas and New Year period:

“Good evening. I just watched the prayer webcast on the 1st January 2017 and am really touched. I really want to give my whole life to Jesus and start serving Him. Please pray for me. I am tired of being lukewarm for Jesus. Help me to have faith and trust God.”

“I am not currently a member of any church. Can you help me find a church in my area?”

“I have been born again once before but then I lost my connection with Christ…how do I regain it now that I want to continue serving Him?”

“Pray with me for the Lord to break away and cut asunder every chain of my past. I need total victory over the works of the enemy. I need total restoration of all that the enemy took away from me, everything that the enemy stole from me, the separation and division which the enemy caused in my household and family, and total restoration of everything which I lost in the past.”


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