Sarcasm to Repentance : Ukraine

Our volunteers in Ukraine are involved in many interesting conversations on a daily basis with people seeking Jesus. Here’s one we ‘d like to share:

Recently, one of our volunteers was chatting online with a local man who had created his own School of Spiritual Development. Initially, he was quite sarcastic about the Christian faith, continually questioning our volunteer about his personal beliefs.

Our volunteer was gracious towards the man and took no offense to his attacks. Instead, he happily shared his perspective on God, faith, and life. They discussed Christ and His sacrifice for a while. Then, what happened next was both unexpected and amazing…

He repented!

The man said he realized he was wrong and apologised for his harsh words about the Christian faith. He said that he felt God speak to him and that it changed his mind completely. Then, for a period of time, there seemed to be a lack of contact between the man and the volunteer, but when our volunteer decided to write him a Christmas message last month, the man then replied saying that he had stopped criticizing Christianity completely and had returned to the Church!
Praise the Lord for the way He is working in the lives of people all around us.


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