NPI Training Impacts Nations : Impact Papua

Junior Peres is an Impact-a-Nation Manager, who leads our Impact Papua National Pioneers Initiative (NPI) in Eastern Indonesia. I talked with him recently about the NPI training he has been doing:

What sort of NPI training are you doing?

It is a Bible School that aims to identify and improve the skills of those who have a pioneering spirit. Basically, we focus on the sacrificial succession theology of the NPI. In other words: God’s call to the pioneering service, pioneers in the Bible, and examples from the early church.

Who were trained and how many?

Over 30 Timorese students have already completed the course. More than 20 of these students are doing excellent work in East Timor and Eastern Indonesia for the Impact Papua project.

How long was the training for?

The training lasts for a total of nine months: six months of theory and three months of practice.

Where have the trainees been sent?

In East Timor, we have been rotating the course in different places throughout East Timor to reach as many people as possible. The first group was in Baucau (east), the second in Dili (west), and the current group is in Same (south).

How are students and graduates being supervised?

Currently Pastor Joaquim, one of our national successors who is a pastor with a pioneering spirit, is the responsible person and coordinates the course. All national pastors who identify with the NPI material are invited to teach at certain times, according to their gifts and experience.

Please pray for the national pioneers in East Timor, who are being trained and equipped to impact Papuan people with the Gospel.


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