Hope and Healing : Latin America

tell people about Jesus

We receive many encouraging responses from listeners of our online radio programs and yesHEis videos. These platforms are our opportunity to tell people about Jesus, and it is wonderful to hear of how lives are being changed.

Ana* wrote to Oramos por Ti and said: “Thank you for your backup in prayer. I have to tell you that we prayed together for the healing of someone who had cancer and, thanks be to God, he is healed! The doctors see nothing in his body. They did the exams twice and repeated the same conclusion: they see no cancer. There is nothing impossible for our God.”

Leonor* from Dominican Republic wrote to our Response Team and said: “Thank you for caring. I have proof that everything I ask in prayer with your support makes a positive turn in my life. I have to tell you, I placed my relationship with my husband in God’s hands and he is already back in our home. We have long conversations and we are working on our relationship with God’s help. Thank you for the interest you showed me.”

Sofia* wrote to the Response Team and said: “I was born in a catholic family. I went every Sunday to church. When I was around 19 or 20 years old, something happened that not even I have an explanation for. I started listening to the radio and it was CVCLAVOZ that came through. Since that moment I never went back to mass. Then you mentioned the fear of death, and explained eternal life and the salvation that Jesus gives. Thank you. Personally, I wasn’t prepared for death because I still sin even without meaning to, but now I accept Jesus as my only Saviour.”

Mara* wrote to our Response Team because she was very sad and had thoughts of taking her life. We proceeded to counsel her and she said: “Thank you, you have truly encouraged me. I thought no one could help me or back me up, but now I see that even though I am such a sinner, God helps me. Now I feel happy and want to keep going.”

Please pray for the people of Latin America who need to hear the Good News of Jesus. Pray that our programs and initiatives would effectively tell people about Jesus.

Please also pray for Venezuela, that God’s hand would be on the political and economic situation of this country that is in turmoil.


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