Healing From Paralysis : Impact Myanmar

Healing from sickness

There are many courageous and dedicated pioneers who are working to build indigenous, self-sustaining churches across Myanmar as part of the National Pioneer’s Initiative (NPI). Here is one recent story from a Myanmar pioneer:

“In Myanmar, the Gospel is usually spread among poor people as they are more likely to be open to God, who will give them relief from distress and healing from sickness. I myself prefer to go and share the good news to the poor and sick, as I can easily get friendly with them.

One day, as my wife and I went around sharing the gospel in Thinpankone Ward, we met a lady who had been suffering in bed with paralysis for one year. We shared with her that God can heal any sickness and disease, and prayed for her. As we prayed for the lady, she started moving for the first time since the day she became ill. She and her family were amazed and happy to see what the Lord had done.

When we visited her again this month, she had even started walking and taking the stairs with the help of a walking frame. It was a very good time for us to share more with this family about Christ, His love, and forgiveness of our sins.

Please pray for this lady and her family to grow in their trust in Jesus. And pray also for me, that more opportunities to share the Gospel may be opened as I meet people.”

Please pray for the pioneers in Myanmar, as the government has issued anti-proselytisation laws and is enforcing them strictly in small towns and villages. The laws have made it very difficult for some pioneers to continue in their ministry, and even to continue living in certain areas.


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