Google Points to Jesus: North America

reach the community

A woman in Laredo, Texas turned to Google when she was faced with various problems in her life. While searching online for answers to her problems, she saw an ad on Google from a local church.

The Google ad was created through the CV Outreach program, which equips churches to create landing pages and ad campaigns that reach the community by targeting specific problems and questions that people are wrestling with.

The woman ended up visiting the church that she found on Google. When the pastor asked her how she had found them, she said: “I found your church on Google, but not because I was looking for a church. Your church came up when I was googling my problems.”

We are thankful for this unique program that allows churches to reach the community through online campaigns.

Please pray that this woman will continue to be connected to her local church, and that she would find God in the midst of her troubles.


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