Alpha & the NPI : South East Asia

Alpha programs are such an effective way of reaching non-Christians. The 12 week courses held throughout Southeast Asia are always helping people to build a strong fellowship with each other, as well as a foundation of personal faith in Jesus Christ.

Many of our national pioneers recently attended Alpha courses so that they could learn how to be more effective at winning people for Jesus. More than 20 then went on to run their own in their respective mission fields and many people became believers and were baptized as a result.

Here are some of the new believer’s stories:

“I recently attended an Alpha course where I heard about Christ for the first time in my life. After going each week for 12 weeks, I then went to a Gospel event that was held in my town. The National Pioneer I met continued to visit me at my house after the course and the event and he taught us even more about God. Despite the fact that my family members are not Christian yet, I decided to attend a gospel camp over Christmas. It was at this camp that I committed my life to Jesus and was baptised.” – Kah*

“I live in a township near a major city and attended an Alpha program run by a Pastor and a National Pioneer. As I was a Buddhist, I had spent my life trying to do as many good merits as possible, but I still had no assurance of life after death. During the 12 weeks of my Alpha program, I learnt so much about Jesus Christ. Then I attended a Gospel camp and accepted Jesus Christ there. On Christmas Eve, I made a life decision to follow Jesus and was baptized.” – Uta*

*Names have been changed to protect identity.


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