A Widow’s Might

Kartika, a Christian widow from Indonesia felt called some years ago to relocate to an impoverished, Muslim community. She moved her adopted children and her few belongings and established a ministry.

Using the money that her late husband had left her, Kartika began by feeding the poor and hungry. She shared food, hope and the gospel and asked for nothing in return.

Today, Kartika prepares and distributes 1000 packages of food to the needy daily! Thanks to her incredible kindness and compassion, hundreds have come to Christ and have been baptised, including many Malay people. 

Despite spending around $20,000 per month on food, Kartika testifies that whilst she never has this much money set aside, the Lord always provides enough with her ‘widow’s mite’ (Mark 12:41-44). 

The biggest challenge for this fully self-funded ministry is that there are no nearby churches to help support and disciple new Christians. CV is blessed to have been able to partner with Kartika’s ministry to help her team and children learn our paradigm of sacrificial succession and church growth principles.

Please pray that Kartika’s ministry continues to provide food and spiritual nourishment to those in need and that her partnership with CV yields great fruit. 🙏


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