CV is renowned for resourcing the Church with free and innovative digital evangelism tools designed to share the gospel.  In the United States, Intercessor Church published an article titled ‘Digital Evangelism: Reach the Lost’, which uncovers how digital evangelism is rapidly becoming the most effective method of sharing the gospel.  To make doing this as […]

King Haja*, a Madagascan tribal king, embraced Christianity one year ago after being introduced to the gospel by a CV pioneer. Along with his family, King Haja became a regular attendee at church services every Sunday, committed to growing in his faith. Despite being born into royalty, King Haja has faced unique challenges since becoming […]

Hadija*, a CV pioneer, was on the second day of her compassion campaign among the Zarma people in Niger when a beautiful and life-changing experience took place. As the pioneer walked through the dusty streets, she noticed two beggars — a mother and her young daughter. Hadija approached them with a warm smile and began […]

At CV, one of our goals is to introduce a million people to Jesus every day, especially in areas where the gospel is not widely known. We achieve this through social media advertising, impactful evangelistic content in multiple languages, and dedicated on-the-ground and digital pioneering activities.  Our deep love for all people, respect for cultural […]

One of CV’s church partners, the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), recently organised a three-day conference called ‘Fulfilling the Church Mission: Digital Strategies’. The conference aimed to equip church and ministry leaders with the necessary knowledge and tools to grow their churches using proven digital methods.  At the conference, CV Managing Director, Heinz Oldewage, […]

“Your words were found, and I ate them, And Your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart.” (Jeremiah 15:16)  A remarkable story of faith and community empowerment demonstrates the truth of this verse.  A CV pioneer in Guinea reported on how his fellowship was engaged in a community upliftment project, which […]

Madagascar is currently facing a significant challenge with widespread corruption; however, the gospel is making a powerful impact in the country through the determined efforts of CV-supported pioneers who are striving to effect positive change. In Tulear, these dedicated pioneers operate Radio Vonjy Laharano Velona, which translates to ‘The Saviour Radio Station with a Never-Ending […]

A CV digital pioneer in Ethiopia is making great strides in evangelistic efforts among the Oromo people group with the help of localised content. This breakthrough marks the first time that Oromo speakers have been able to access content in their own language. According to the pioneer, the response from local believers has been overwhelmingly […]

Jaimee Coetzee, CV Community Manager, and Hana Alemayehu, CV Country Representative, recently represented CV at the Africa Arise Conference hosted by Beza International Ministries.  The conference was held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and provided an inspiring platform for CV to share its digital evangelism expertise with ministries across the continent. Africa Arise is an annual […]